Re-cycling at its best……….Thick and warm fleece throw to sew…

So we all know that I’m the cheapest person you know. I won’t throw anything away that can be reused or still has life left in it. So this is my best recycle idea ever.

It requires fleece and old blankets. I have used all the old wool blankets that DH had lying around and some of my left over blankets from my children.

1: First purchase some fleece. Buy a yard and a half of two different types of fleece. Make sure that both pieces of fleece are the same width and the same thickness.

2: Cut your blanket down to fit the size of the pieces of fleece. Usually the fleece that you purchase is 45” to 60” wide. Cut your blanket the same width and the same length.

3: Lay your old blanket down on a table first. Then lay one of your pieces of fleece down with the right side up. Take your other piece of fleece and lay it down on the pile, right side down.

4: Pen the edges of all sides together. Put a couple of pens in the middle of the pile to keep it from moving around. Make sure you pen all the layers together.

5: Take the fabric sandwich to your sewing machine. Put your machine on stretch stitch if you don’t have a serger. If you have a serger then you can use just a wide stitch length. Use a ½ “seam allowance.

6: Sew around all four corners leaving an opening large enough to get your hand thru. Make sure this is on one of the shorter ends of the blanket.

7: Clip the corners diagonally to make the corner less bulky when you turn the blanket.

8: Reach in between the two layers of fleece and turn the blanket inside out. Make sure you take a pencil or ruler and push each corner out to a point.

9: Hand stitch the opening by hand using a whip stitch.

10: Do a top stitch on the inside of the blanket approximately 1” to 2” from the edge. This holds the blanket together and looks nice.

I have made countless numbers of these throws for the members of my family who are cold natured and feel very proud of myself. Not only am recycling but is also keeping someone I love very warm. It has also been a great way for my kids to keep those worn out blankets they love so much and I got rid of the holy eye sores.

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions…………….

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